We Make Clean Air - We Ship WorldWide

Up to 8 soldering stations can be filtered using a single Quatro SPH-426 high pressure filter system.


Systems comes complete with patent pending Laser Blue Gel Seal ensuring zero by-pass for any toxic fumes.


Each system comes complete with initial set of filters including a 30% ASHRAE rated pre-filter, 99.97% certified medical grade HEPA filter, and an 8 inch deep bed chemical filter.


The microprocessor control panel is complete with visual and audible alarms, digital speed control, the ability to be interlocked for remote on/off, auto flow adjusts speed of blowers as filters get dirty.


Available accessories include snap together ducting / piping, industrial heavy duty hose, and table mounted extraction arms with damper control and various nozzle attachments.

** Please note: Specifications / Prices Subject To Change Without Prior Notice **